It’s with great pleasure that we report the news of one extraordinary success for nuclear fusion research: a new record amount of energy produced by fusion in the Joint European Torus of EUROfusion in the Culham Center (59 megajoules, the equivalent of 11 megawatts, in 5 seconds).
With the Science+ division, represented by OCEM Power Electronics and Ampegon, Aretè & Cocchi Technology is demonstrating a great commitment to developing nuclear fusion research.
In the JET facility of the European Fusion Programme we have carried out the installation of parts of the system:
- boost amplifiers for the PINI system (Positive Ion Neutral Injector)
- boost amplifier for the vertical field power supply
developed and installed in the 1980s.
In the last two years, we have established and then strengthened the partnership between OCEM Power and Ampegon, aiming at world leadership in the area of power supply for scientific and industrial research.
We look to the next steps in Research with confidence and to a future of further investments and growth.
Gino Cocchi
Aretè & Cocchi Technology