Work with us!
Achieve your goals with ACT

Grow with us
Are you looking for an exciting and rewarding career in an international industrial network?
Join us at Aretè Cocchi Technology!

Enter the network
Our businesses offer a dynamic, collaborative work environment built on a shared passion for innovation.
Whether you’re looking to start your career or you’re ready to take it to the next level, ACT is a place where you can make your mark.
Job openings
Find the right opportunity for you
ACT is currently hiring in a variety of fields for positions located all around the world! Below you will find direct links to all the positions open with our business units.
Foreign language skills preferred.
Internships, dissertations & applications
Your career starts here
Are you a university student seeking to complete an academic internship or conduct research in-house for your dissertation?
ACT offers a robust academic practice program with experienced mentors who are ready to help you succeed!
Or are you interested in joining ACT for a new challenge?
Apply below to grow with us!
Please click here to read our Recruiting Privacy Policy.
By applying you declare you accept the terms of our privacy policy.
Video Assessment
Sei un innovatore e vuoi entrare a far parte di una Realtà che ogni giorno contribuisce al progresso tecnologico?
Parla con noi, raccontaci le tue esperienze, attraverso questo video assessment della durata di 12 minuti (1 minuto a domanda).
Ti ringraziamo per il tuo interesse nelle opportunità di carriera all'interno di Aretè & Cocchi Technology.
Il Recruiter del Team Talent Acquisition di A&CT visionerà il tuo video e verificherà se ci sono posizioni in linea con le tue competenze. Qualora il tuo profilo dovesse essere incluso nel processo di selezione, un membro del Team Talent Acquisition di Aretè&Cocchi Technology ti contatterà.
Ti siamo grati per il tempo che ci hai dedicato.
Cordiali saluti,
Team Talent Acquisition di Aretè & Cocchi Technology
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